dinsdag 12 juni 2012

One month later...

Hi there! So it's already a month later now. At least i'm progressing, right? I didn't feel like telling more about my London trip, I guess. But that's okay for me, since I didn't do a lot. Oh I did forget to mention I went to 'We Will Rock You'! It was awesome! Almost all the seats were taken by Dutch student, all singing along!

Anyways, I'm totally obsessed with something new: Film Photography.
In just 3 days I bought like 5 new analog cameras haha! I didn't have time though to take pictures, weather here is kinda shitty again. What I like about film photography is the lovely effects you can get. And especially, the double exposure photos. I´m working on that now. Just need to shoot my film full so I can shoot other pictures through them. And than I just need to go to the store, let them process and hope to get some decent results! 

Polaroid Land sx70, Nikon EM , 2 Minolta's: Marktplaats

Well, I am not that patient. So I tried some ´double exposure´ photos just by photo shopping them. I think they are okay. Need to practice more though..

Resource stock flowers: deviantart.com

So that's it for now. I did want to make an outfit post, but it's kinda hard 'cause my lens broke. I do have another lens, but that's a telephoto lens, so I just have to wait 'till my dad wants to buy a new one for me...

I can't promiss how soon I'll post again. I do have my exams now, so wish me luck!

Goodnight! xo

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Echt super mooie foto's!
    Liefs, Maruschka

  2. Love your blog! would you mind following each other via bloglovin? xx

    /Malin @ http://fashionfied.tk

  3. Wauw, deze foto's zijn echt prachtig!
    Vind vooral die roze echt super leuk!

    I'm your newest follower hon!

    With Love, Laurèl

  4. wow these pictures are fantastic



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